Distribution transformers are key components for DISCOMS as they are used to bring down high-voltage power supply for end-users. Understandably enough, the health of DTs because crucial. To ensure that, Radius Synergies has come up with a state-of-the-art system to track and maintain records of all parameters of the transformer and also keep it in a healthy condition.
Monitoring and maintaining the health of a distribution transformer (DT) is high priority for power distribution companies (DISCOMS). Since it is used by them to bring down high-voltage power supply for end-users, its maintenance becomes critical. DISCOMS need to resort to high-voltage transmission essentially to minimise the loss of electricity and, therefore, DT becomes key component in power transmission. And its good health becomes crucial because when load exceeds the threshold limit, the transformer can trip resulting in outages, which, in turn, may lead to loss of revenue, material and repair charges.
Earlier, distribution transformers were maintained manually. Engineers used to record various parameter values and maintained records of the reading, manually. This caused many faults, most of them due to oil and windings. Thankfully, with advancements in technology and advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), smart monitoring systems are now available. Radius Synergies, pioneers in IoT-based prepaid metering system in the country, has developed a state-of-the-art DT Condition Monitoring System to track and maintain records of all parameters of the transformer, and also keep it in a healthy condition.
- When load exceeds the threshold limit, the distribution transformer can trip resulting in outages, which, in turn, may lead to loss of revenue, material and repair charges.
- Earlier, distribution transformers were maintained manually. Engineers used to record various parameter values and maintained records of the reading, manually.
- Radius Synergies, pioneers in IoT-based prepaid metering system in the country, has developed a state-of-the-art DT Condition Monitoring System.
In the Radius Monitoring System, distribution transformers are fitted with smart energy meters with communication ports. These ports send data to the backend system via Private APN Cloud. The data is then sorted and sent to the servers of various DISCOMS. This information can then be accessed by users on their mobile phones through an app. Both, the utility as well as the users, can get real-time data of the concerned transformer through this process.
Some of the key benefits offered by Radius Monitoring System are:
- Outage monitoring
- Automated health-check of distribution transformer
- Pre-damage alerts
- Preventive check of DT
- Preventing transformer breakdown due to phase imbalance
- Reducing T&D loss due to consumer load re-arrangement
These smart monitoring modems can also generate customised reports for DISCOMS. The system also uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for preventive mechanisms, like sending alerts for early maintenance of the DT before any fault occurs.