4G has a maximum speed of around 2 Gbps. With the arrival of 5G, mobile performance has increased from 2.4 Gbps to nearly 20 Gbps. As a result, 5G has an edge over the 4G networks due to its high-speed data networking. 5G is currently being rolled out in India in a phase wise manner.
5G has numerous advantages for smart cities. It will assist the emergency response team in tracking down and receiving real-time information about accidents and emergency calls from intelligent sensors strategically placed throughout the city. 5G networks will provide public transportation systems with faster and lower latency connectivity, making it easier for vehicles and people to navigate cities.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a critical component in realising a fully functional smart city. IoT is a network of interconnected devices that communicate and exchange data ranging from connected cars to street light sensors. IoT technology allows businesses, cities, and individuals to monitor, manage, and control these connected devices, as well as collect real-time data, analytics, and insights.
The Internet of Things is altering how cities manage infrastructure, systems, and services. By connecting multiple digital devices, communication is shifting towards machines. The implementation of 5G will improve industries and raise living standards by making our homes, offices, and cities smarter.
The combination of 5G networks and IoT devices is expected to track and manage traffic flows intelligently, monitor road conditions, and reduce traffic congestion, smart street lights, environmental monitoring and smart parking. 5G enables connected devices within buildings and cities to track, monitor, and control energy in new ways. This allows buildings and cities to better manage their energy supply, save money, and become more environmentally friendly.
The adoption of 5G wireless technology will spur economic growth, higher living standards, smarter homes and offices, and improved communication. From smart sensors to self-driving cars, everything can now communicate at incredibly fast speeds with low latency and without using an ethernet cable, resulting in a more efficient system.
Because all data is now virtual or online, they are more vulnerable to hacking. If the network’s framework is not compliant with all security measures, sensitive customer data such as credit/debit card numbers, bank details, and personal ID numbers can all be leaked online. Encryption is the best way to prevent data from being hacked. With the help of new and advanced technologies such as 5G and IoT, we can create a better and more sustainable world for future generations.